Hamboards Blog

Longboard Dynamics: Carving vs Surfskating vs Long Distance Pumping (LDP)

Longboard Dynamics: Carving vs Surfskating vs L...

Skilled riders can create forward thrust (pump) with any type of longboard skateboard, provided it has a high degree of turning.  It all comes down to twisting or swaying the...

Longboard Dynamics: Carving vs Surfskating vs L...

Skilled riders can create forward thrust (pump) with any type of longboard skateboard, provided it has a high degree of turning.  It all comes down to twisting or swaying the...

Don Sandusky in Land Surfing Tee

Hamboards' Guide to Skateboard Lingo

Pushing, Carving, Surf Skating, Pumping, Skate Poling and Hybrid Lingo as defined by Hamboards

Hamboards' Guide to Skateboard Lingo

Pushing, Carving, Surf Skating, Pumping, Skate Poling and Hybrid Lingo as defined by Hamboards

Introducing the Paskowitz Surfskate

Introducing the Paskowitz Surfskate

In honor of Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz and in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Paskowitz Surf Camp, Hamboards and the Paskowitz family are proud to announce the Paskowitz Surfskate...

Introducing the Paskowitz Surfskate

In honor of Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz and in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Paskowitz Surf Camp, Hamboards and the Paskowitz family are proud to announce the Paskowitz Surfskate...

Cha Vibes apparel and gear

Spread the Cha

Cha reflects a state of peace, serenity and enlightment. As Johnny Arlauskas, the founder of Cha Vibes says, “We each find our own Cha. It is whatever revitalizes our minds...

Spread the Cha

Cha reflects a state of peace, serenity and enlightment. As Johnny Arlauskas, the founder of Cha Vibes says, “We each find our own Cha. It is whatever revitalizes our minds...

Abraham Paskowitz

Abraham Paskowitz Joins Hamboards

Abraham Paskowitz is no stranger to the surf and skateboard communities. Born in Hawaii then migrating to Southern California, he spent his summers as an instructor at the Paskowitz Surf...

Abraham Paskowitz Joins Hamboards

Abraham Paskowitz is no stranger to the surf and skateboard communities. Born in Hawaii then migrating to Southern California, he spent his summers as an instructor at the Paskowitz Surf...

Surfskate Showdown thumbnail

Check out this surfskate roundup video

Check out this comparison round-up of some of the best available surfskates.  Each brand has their own design approach to the evolution of skating.  

Check out this surfskate roundup video

Check out this comparison round-up of some of the best available surfskates.  Each brand has their own design approach to the evolution of skating.