How do I refinish my "really" old Hamboards deck which has a sticky surface?
Back when Pete had Hamboards as a “hobby business” Pete used product called “Monster Grip Paint” but we haven’t used it for at least 8 years. We don't even know how to contact the company that makes Monster Grip Spray any more. First you'll need to get rid of the Monster Paint grip. We use an oven cleanser like EZ OFF. It's a mess and requires some work. Be careful because it's nasty.

Here's some BEFORE/AFTER photo's provided by one of our own customers.

Then once it's cleaned off, follow the directions from Lucid Grip or ReDEK. Check this link for a video by Lucid Grip. We recommend Clear Gloss Acrylic spray paint as a final coat on the bottom (and top if you like).