The Hamboards Quiver
I have been riding the Fish for about a year now and I just had the opportunity to spend a weekend testing and riding every single board that Hamboards has to offer. As soon as I walked into the garage and my eyes met the Hamboards quiver I felt like a kid in a candy shop. The formerly organized selection of boards had created a feeding frenzy as my friend Hannah and I pulled every board off the rack to cruise, trade and try again. Oh, and there’s one more thing- we were riding boards with the brand new Hamboards Spring Torsion Carving Trucks (HST’s).
These brand new HST’s change the riding experience in every board from the tiny Biscuit to the 6’6” Classic. The HST’s make the Hamboards super responsive while adding stability. Simply put, the HST’s set you up for success if you like to challenge your board and riding ability.
While riding the Biscuit the new HST’s were instantly apparent with quick, snappy turns and carving. The Classic became a breeze to cross step on with less sway when you walk. And all the boards in between became the most wonderful hybrid of snap and security. HST’s connect you to the board in a way that lets you become part of the pavement- from the push off the ground to the bend in your knees the board becomes a ride that is working with you and for you, not against you.
When you surf it’s hard to end a session- you want to end on a good wave and then when you get one you are too stoked to call it quits. These new HST’s will create an experience that will have you hamming until you wear through the soles of your shoes and feet- you won’t want to stop.