Yoga Surf Skate Getaway R2
Have you wished that you could ride all the different Hamboards one after the other to meet your perfect match? If you are attending the Yoga Surf Skate Getaway hosted by Hamboard rider Nico Klimek, that dream can come true. We will be stocking the ‘Short Board House’ in Strathmere, NJ with Hamboards of all shapes and sizes - from our smallest board (The Biscuit) to our largest board (The Classic). This ‘House of Ham’ will give you access to all of the Hamboards, land paddles and riding with a super rad gang of girls.
The YSS Getaway takes place at a surfer’s dream cottage that is known as ‘The Short Board House’. Its’ Bright Blue paint stands out from all the other homes and the sea breeze wafts through the windows. The front of the Short Board House overlooks the ocean and the back opens to the bay. When the Yoga Surf Skate Getaway moves in, this little surf house becomes overstocked with Hamboards. The boards line the front of the home, presenting themselves in height order like they’re taking a family photo. From the street, you may even mistake this house for a Hamboard flagship store. The long road in front of the house quickly becomes dotted with girls cruising by on Loggers, Pingers, and Pescaditos. Like kids in a candy shop, the girls are pulling out one board, and then the next as the smooth pavement becomes a runway of surfskaters.
Board sports have a way of bonding people together - and for the Yoga Surf Skate Getaway, Hamboards are no different. These longboards create opportunities to learn about one another. Naturally, the girls begin to chat, sharing their ‘board backgrounds’ and their skateboard and surfskate history. Experienced girls carve down the street and hang ten while girls that are very new to Hamboards may be learning to push or use the land paddle. At last year’s getaway there was a lot of love for the Logger and the Pinger. Both of these boards are designed for pumping and carving and on the larger boards you can even practice hanging ten.
What helps make the YSS Getaway so special are the sponsors that come on board in support of the mission. Owner of Hamboards, Don Sandusky, states, "We're stoked to support the YSS Getaway. There's no gender assigned to board sports, but while these women are learning together, the support is rad. They have a natural perma-grin for days on end. The waves may or may not cooperate, but these ladies sure do unleash the beach with their Hammys." Sponsors of the YSS Getaway like Hamboards, Jetty, Jacto and La Bamba NYC get excited to partner with the YSS Getaway as it represents their brand and the surfy beach life they embody. “We’re excited to sponsor the YSS Getaway because it’s so important to us that women have a safe and supportive space to explore their courage as well as their fears, through camaraderie and movement. We couldn’t be more grateful to be part of a retreat where women form awesome bonds and share stories so they can grow and surf together,” stated Ann Kim, Founder of La Bamba NYC.
And just to make sure we’re clear - this Getaway isn’t just skate. In the evenings there is live music and chatting as the night grows dark. These ladies skate hard, practice yoga and battle waves. They cook, eat, drink and laugh like best friends. They are a group of women that will come together for a common love of board sports, yoga and supporting one another. Throughout the Getaway, Yoga sessions are strategically sprinkled in. Yoga for surfers and skateboarders is so important as it not only reduces muscle tightness and soreness, but also increases flexibility and balance. Yoga instructor and nutrition coach, Katie Podralski, will be leading yoga sessions at the getaway as well as a mindful eating exercise. The goal of yoga is ultimately never the pose contrary to popular belief. Katie explains the importance of yoga and mindfulness:
“The goal of yoga is to find ourselves in the moment, in the midst of the asana (postures). To observe and notice the breath. To be mindful. Our day to day activities (whether it's skateboarding or surfing or driving in a car on our way to work) and our mindfulness (the ability to just take a breath and be aware of our mental state) can make us the most optimal version of ourselves. Because rather than focusing on how we could’ve done a better olly or been smoother or faster or better here and there, we can start to focus on being fearless. Being courageous. Being accepting. Being vulnerable. Just being. Taking the pressure off of ourselves and giving ourselves permission to feel, do, taste, and have a zest for life is really what our focus should be.”

Whether or not you are going on the Yoga Surf Skate Getaway this May or on another retreat in the near future that encompasses board sports, we encourage you to get your own Hamboard squad together. Set up skate sessions, go to yoga classes, encourage one another and learn from each other. Hamboarding is more than just surfskate - it’s also a lifestyle that you can shape anyway you choose.
For information on The May 2019 Yoga Surf Skate Getaway check out @neeks.peeks on Instagram and send her an email at