Hamboards Team Riders Edd and Juan Guzman share the stoke

Hamboards Team Riders Edd and Juan Guzman share the stoke

Hamboards Team Riders Edd and Juan Guzman share the stoke

We met at Cape Henlopen State Park for the "Skate the Cape" competition.  Older brother Edd and younger sibling Juan Guzman instantly volunteered as team riders for Hamboards. 

These guys have a gracious and easy sensibility that it disguises their fierce expertise and courage in downhill, slalom and surfskate gear and technique.   

First impressions were completely off base.  Juan was wearing an aerodynamic downhill helmet, elbow, knee pads and sliding gloves.  We had no idea he would have any interest in Hamboards.  Nor did we expect him to fall instantly in love with Hamboards 30 degrees of board lean, but that's exactly what happened.  He and Edd were instantly connected to surfskating and rapidly became experts on the HST Trucks and then probed for radical applications and roles our spring trucks could play in competitive skating.  They volunteered important insights and broadened our thinking.  

These guys are incredibly interesting.  They put together this Video Blog production to introduce themselves and share their stoke.  It's a pure, unvarnished and totally authentic testimonial bringing to life the world view of these two charmingly competitive artists.  

Thank you guys.  For all the incredible advice and for your friendship.  We're fortunate to count you among our close friends.  

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